FactRight Hires Kevin Kirkeby to Meet Growing Demand for Alternative Investment Due Diligence

by FactRight

FactRight, LLC (FactRight), an expert diligence, support and training solutions service for firms and advisors looking for greater success with alternative investments, announced today that Kevin Kirkeby has joined the company as FactRight’s tenth analyst.


Nearly 40% of U.S. advisors use alternatives, reported global research firm Cerulli Associates in its U.S. Alternative Investments 2018: Accessing Evolving Alternative Platforms report released last fall. The survey also showed that use of alternatives is particularly strong with hybrid registered investment advisors (43%) and retail bank broker dealers (64%). “In terms of importance to overall distribution plans for alternative investment products, the retail advisor–sold (38%) and high-net-worth (37%) channels have become almost as equally as important as the institutional (40%) channel,” said Michele Giuditta, director at Cerulli.

“The alternative investment industry covers a broad spectrum of asset classes, which creates challenges for wealth managers looking to bring the right options to their clients,” said Brandon Raatikka, vice president of due diligence services at FactRight. “Because we review so many alternative investment products each year, we have the perspective necessary to identify quality offerings. Kevin’s analytical experience on Wall Street accelerates FactRight’s ability to assess developments in this very dynamic industry. ”

As a senior analyst at FactRight, Kirkeby’s immediate responsibilities will focus on Reg A+ and private placement issuers, building on his almost three decades of experience in the financial services industry. Prior to FactRight, Kirkeby spent 11 years as an equity analyst, most recently at Standard & Poor’s, where he developed forecasting models, financial and operational benchmarks, and other analytical tools to evaluate corporate health and robustness.


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